Neon EVM Paves The Way For Diverse Gas Payments

Exciting news in the crypto scene as Neon EVM, part of the Solana ecosystem, shakes things up by letting users pay transaction fees with more than just its native currency, NEON. This cool feature is already making waves on the testnet and is gearing up to hit the main Neon EVM platform in the next […]

Binance May Fail, And BNB Investors Are Moving Into This New ICO

In the volatile crypto arena, circumstances can change fast, and even a small mishap stirs an inevitable wind of change. Binance, a once-dominant player, faces uncertainties from its audit findings, prompting BNB investor shifts to a secure and promising investment path. As concerns loom over the fate of Binance, a new ICO attracts BNB investors […]

Tether Ventures into Bitcoin Mining with a $500 Million Investment Plan

Jay Solano Jay is a crypto and NFT enthusiast dedicated to exploring the dynamic world of digital assets. As a leading crypto blog writer, he relishes sharing his knowledge on the latest trends, breakthroughs, and investment opportunities in the blockchain world. Via: