100K+ Accounts Associated With the Crypto Project Metatime Are Banned by Twitter

Elon Musk hinted that Twitter will become a bulwark of free speech under his leadership a few months before he purchased the microblogging service.

But ever since the firm was purchased, Twitter has changed drastically. In the most recent case of Twitter’s draconian censorship, over 100,000 accounts were either disabled or suspended last week for no reason other than referencing the nascent cryptocurrency project Metatime as part of a token airdrop campaign.

One of the most popular social media sites for cryptocurrency initiatives is Twitter, which they use to communicate with their audiences and exchange information. Therefore, it came as a major surprise when Twitter decided to suspend over 100,000 accounts for nothing more than retweeting and reposting messages published by Metatime.

The crypto community was outraged by Twitter’s most recent act of censorship, and thousands of people shared the hashtag #FreeMetaTime to call attention to what had happened and attempt to have the accounts unblocked.

The #FreeMetaTime movement was sparked by a tweet by Yusuf Sevim, CEO of Metatime, asking Elon Musk to personally step in and restore ownership to the accounts that had been suspended, locked, and blacklisted.

Sevim described Metatime as a “freedom project” in his tweet, noting that it had already given more than 350,000 supporters hope since its launch just six months ago. He described how the MetaAirdrop campaign offers those individuals the opportunity to acquire free MetatimeCoin ($MTC) tokens by contributing their thoughts and support for the endeavor.

“Unfortunately, more than 100,000 Twitter accounts were locked, banned, or suspended today for no reason,” Sevim said. “Some of them followed @MetatimeCom and our other Metatime ecosystem accounts, and most of them have been around for at least 5 years.” “Overnight, words of thousands of people who shared the hope of Metatime and MetaAirdrop were tried to be silenced. Notably, this disaster happened the morning after we stated that we were going to be listed on the stock market on June 26, 2023.

The decision to suspend so many accounts, according to Sevim, is a problem for everyone who utilizes Twitter and other social media platforms, not just Metatime. He claimed that it presents important issues regarding who sets the limits of freedom of expression.

“@ElonMusk, I’m writing to you as a successful entrepreneur, trailblazer, and thought leader. We beg you to stand up for our community’s freedom to be united and to openly express our views, our voice, and our opinions,” Sevim said. “What is happening to Metatime today might have happened to you before, and it might happen to any free-thinking person tomorrow.”

Unfortunately for Metatime, Sevim’s tweet and a subsequent post received no response, and it’s assumed that thousands of accounts are still unreachable to their users. Although it’s undeniably true that Musk is incredibly busy and might not have seen Sevim’s post, his inaction contradicts what he and Twitter’s new CEO Linda Yaccarino have said in the media.

After assuming her position as CEO, Yaccarino wrote a statement to her staff in which she declared that a healthy civilization requires a “unfiltered exchange of information and open dialogue about the things that matter most to us.” You should be allowed to voice your thoughts, she continued. Everyone should.

Yaccarino’s statement is credible, but what happened to Metatime shows that Twitter still has a lot of work to do if it wants to live up to its promises.

Hys Sahin, a co-founder of Metatime, said that the project will continue to put pressure on Musk and Twitter until every single restricted account has its user’s access restored:

A sincere thank you to everyone who supported our members whose Twitter accounts were unexpectedly blocked. Your generosity as demonstrated by your “Free Metatime” posts is simply amazing,” Sahin said. We’ll stick by one another until every account is unblocked, together. I appreciate what a wonderful community you are.

Via: 2Usethebitcoin.com

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